
here's to us!

Happy Anniversary New York! This month marks one year since I moved to the city. Some cannot understand the desire to live here, but right now, I wouldn't have it any other way. I adore my teeny studio apartment, the ease of public transportation, and the ability to do almost anything here. It truly is a wonderful and inspirational place. So here's to you New York; if it weren't for you, this blog may not exist.

And to celebrate in style, I pulled out a gift from my father; a 2006 Stag's Leap S.L.V. Estate Cabernet Sauvignon. What a beautiful wine! Honestly though, I was nervous. I know it's a "nice" bottle, but sometimes Napa Valley Cabs are just too fruit forward for me. So new school (new world wine), neglecting the subtle earthy attributes of the old school (old world wines). But, what a wonderful celebration wine! Kind of dirty (that's a compliment) with bright cherry flavors. It's balanced with pleasant tannins and acidity. From this evening's experience, I can tell you it's great to drink before dinner, during, and afterward.

Thanks Dad!


  1. Love the SLV! too bad I wasn't there to share a glass with you :(
    Enjoy all that life and NYC has to offer!

  2. Congrats Meg! I enjoyed this post!
